360° Virtual Tours for Health Care

Street 7 can provide the healthcare and public sector with informational and interactive virtual tours. 

The use of virtual tours in this sector is quickly becoming a very effective marketing tool used by serious businesses, as tours can be customised to help visitors and customers get a immersive view of the surroundings and better see the level of services offered from the health organisations. 

Street 7, can create a 360° virtual tour of any health center/ facility including; medical clinics, labs, residential care homes, dental offices and hospitals.


Virtual Tour- The advantages for YOU

● A virtual tour is accessible to patients and clients 24 hours.
● Your company can gain a greater online presence.
● You can build on customer relationships by giving them patient trust about the level of any medical treatment they may be receiving 
● Patients/ clients maybe spending a substantial amount of funds on a healthcare service, for example:. IVF treatment and therefore a 360° virtual tour allows them to view the company as many times as they want during the decision making process.
● Receiving medical treatment can develop apprehension for many patients. By viewing a 360° virtual tour prior to treatment they can  familiarise themselves with surroundings and be confident they are acquainted with using a service of expertise and reputation.